Any student currently entering or in grades 5-8 for Junior High Division & grades 9-12 for High School Division, is invited to try a rodeo one time on a trial basis before actually joining & paying the full membership fees & fundraising dues. This is intended for students to try out HS rodeo before actually joining. You can do this one time in your JH/HS career before buying your full membership.
You cannot earn points or receive awards for the rodeo. Only once you are a full member are you eligible for points and awards. All events are able to be entered as a 1x Member with the exception of the Queen Contest. You must be a full member to run for MNHSRA Queen.
Email as early as possible prior to the rodeo so she is aware of your intentions to enter. Complete the 1X Entry Form (linked below) and NHSRA MINOR’s RELEASE. BOTH parents must sign the forms, unless 1 parent has sole custody or is deceased-then write that on the form. Bring a check or money order to cover all the fees associated with the rodeo you will enter along with the 1X Entry Form. If you are past the membership deadline listed on the info sheet, you may not be able to enter but email to see if there is room in the events for your entry.
Grounds Fee: SEE INFO SHEET for specific amount of fee due. This is your parking/camping fee while at the rodeo. This fee is one per family. If more than one member of your family is entering only one fee is due.
Office Fees: SEE INFO SHEET specific amount of fee due.
Entry Fee: $25 per day per event that you enter. Indicate on the entry form which days you wish to enter. To calculate the entry fee due, count the number of events x # of days x $25.
1X Insurance Fee: $17 per rodeo. This fee covers insurance for you while competing at the rodeo.
See INFO sheet for additional info on each rodeo. Some rodeos have mandatory stalls, etc. so review the INFO sheet for these details.
Download 1x-membership form
We hope you enjoy our association & consider joining!